There seem to be many people named Mike Middleton
A Google web search for Mike Middleton may return ten million results.
I’m the Mike Middleton who spent childhood in Iowa, earned degrees at Iowa State and Iowa, served three years as a Navy officer during the Cold War, married Nancy Padgett, earned two degrees at Stanford, taught for thirty years in the biz school at U of San Francisco, wrote four editions of the book Data Analysis Using Excel, and retired from full-time faculty in 2008. Since then I’ve been running a one-person software business designing, coding, marketing, and supporting decision analysis add-ins for Excel.
What does this Mike Middleton look like?
Some projects I’m continually working on
TreePlan decision tree add-in for Excel
Sensit add-in for sensitivity analysis and tornado charts
SimVoi add-in for Monte Carlo simulation and value of information
Better Histogram add-in for frequency distribution and histogram
Some topics I’m currently learning about
Number theory and applications to cryptography
Einstein’s theories of relativity
Quantum Mechanics
Decision Quality
What is the purpose of this web site?
The main purpose is to help me keep track of many of the things I’ve been doing during the past seventy-plus years. See the Academic, Conferences, Travel, Homes, and Interests pages.
Some domain names for this web site
-, Primary